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Old 11-19-2003, 07:57 AM   #3
Dojo: Aikido of Midland
Location: Midland Texas
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 1,652
Wow. Just read the website. This reeks of red flags. Lot of doctorates (awarded by martial arts groups) and multiple high ranks (a couple appeared to be legitimate, i.e. awarded by someone other than Burdine or his group).

I loved the one statement by the "Dr. Grady" that he studied with the "Mountain Yard" people in Vietnam (Montegnard is probably closer in the spelling).

A lot of this stuff looks like it was self awarded or awarded as part of an organization which Burdine set up.

I could find no specific documentation of any rank he held from legitimate organizations that would qualify him to hold such a rank and be the director of sokes. My BS detector is going off on this group. If you hold multiple high ranks (legitimately awarded-not organizationally awarded) like 7th or 8th dan then I might buy it if you set up your own style.

I'd run and hold on to my wallet. But that's just me.
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