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Old 11-15-2003, 10:00 AM   #56
Dojo: Aikido of Midland
Location: Midland Texas
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 1,652
Paul: I agree there are issues with favoritism and subjectivity. However, a lot of organization test up to yondan and most to sandan. I did train once with a sensei that did not believe in testing for dan ranks at all and in fact left the organization over that issue. There were some definite disagreements on the quality of black belts when tested by committee vs his observation (he would just hand you the belt when he thought you were ready). In large organizations, the testing can be pretty stringent with higher ranks. When you get a committee of people that don't know your aikido then you are subjected to their impressions of what the rank should represent.

However, to not test to some standard is to have poor quality in my opinion. Testing to a standard and what that standard should be (time in grade, techniques, etc.) is most likely the reason we have so many organizations (that and power issues).

Undoubtedly there will be variations in the minimum standards in each rank-not all people in all levels are equal (different physical capabilities etc). However, in spite of different teaching styles, organizational expectations, and other elements, I have only ran across "bad" quality intermittently (and I used to participate in a lot of seminars).

Fortunately, the "bad quality" black belts usually will not progress beyond their rank until they raise their skill level. It's not a perfect system but to have no system would be chaotic at best (it's chaotic enough with a system). Opinions on the quality of yudansha is like the old saying (cleaned up version)-they are like fannies-we all have them and they all stink.

Last edited by aikidoc : 11-15-2003 at 10:03 AM.
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