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Old 10-01-2003, 11:16 PM   #9
Alan Lomax
Dojo: Doumukai Aikido
Location: San Diego, CA.
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 33
Re: Training at San Diego Dojo

luke derham (Luke Derham) wrote:
Hello everyone!

Next year i am travelling abroad from my jhome in australia to study aikido further. I was hoping to train at San Diego dojo with Chiba Sensei and was wondering if anyone knew if you can live there at the dojo?

As mentioned in some of the responses above, do check out the websites that were listed. they will answer all of your questions. This one in particular is very useful because it is Chiba Sensei's Dojo web page.

I have trained at Chiba Sensei's Dojo. I was only fortunate enough to spend about a year and a half training there. While there I was very fortunate to get a good deal of hands on, direct training from Chiba Sensei. Yes, he is that good that it may frighten some poeple at first. As he leads you through the waza, he gives guidance. If you listen to his guidance he helps you through the whole experience. After and even before practice Chiba Sensei is very aproachable and has a warm diarming manner.

The instructors and students that are a part of this Dojo are a good reflection of the man who heads it. They do have strong effective application.

Alan Lomax
Doumukai Aikido
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