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Old 08-17-2003, 07:00 PM   #15
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Dojo: Shodokan Honbu (Osaka)
Location: Himeji, Japan
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 3,319
Thanks Mark for both the background and the expansion.

Jack Mumpower may have kept to a particular point in Tomiki's developement of his system but is well respected over here. Actually pretty much anywhere. I have a quick question - do you practice the Koryu Goshin no Kata or any of the other kata sets. I must also say (and it relates to your comment about restrictions) is that the kata sets are a framework not a limitation. There is quite a bit of depth to Tomiki's system and again what prompted my post was the assertation that there was nothing comparable to aiki no jutsu within the Shodokan system. A couple of months back we were working on pinning multiple uke's - I failed miserably.

The yondan I mentioned above train in Roppokai - he is very impressed with the teacher and knowing who he compares him to - he must be good. I am thinking of joining him one evening but more I can't manage.

Peter Rehse Shodokan Aikido
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