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Old 08-17-2003, 12:08 PM   #14
Mark Jakabcsin
Dojo: Charlotte Systema, Charlotte, NC
Location: Carolina
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 207

I understood exactly what you meant, not sure if you understood the direction I am headed. By most accounts S. Takeda did not have an organzied curriculum. His son attempted the organization later on. A potential problem with organizing such a thing is that the organization becomes limits and boundries placed on students.

Perhaps S. Takeda understood this limitation and that is why he never attempted an organization of the system. Perhaps he wanted folks to focus on the root principles, understand them and apply them in a limitless fashion. To me lack of boundries is the power and beauty in aiki no jutsu, understanding that IS the curriculum. A rigid curriculum cause folks to disregard anything that doesn't strictly adhere to what they perceive as the cirriculum. What they end up disregarding is exactly what they should be learning. Freedom and creativity.

Therefore, when I am using the phrase 'aiki no jutsu' I am refering to a specific portion of the curriculum. However, I am not limiting myself to a set number of techniques, I am refering to a method of response and application, not specific technique. Based on my understanding at present this understanding of method is far more important than specific technique. Perhaps my views will change in the future. Take care.


Take care,

Mark J.
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