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Old 08-14-2003, 03:09 PM   #21
drDalek's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 155
On an individual case by case basis stereotypes do not always reflect the reality but reality, real truthful actual literal reality does not allow you to "see" the inner beauty in people.

Even if the person you are stereotyping is not a threat, do you realy want to take the chance with someone who is so very insecure that they need to act / dress in a way that allows others to perceive them as a threat?

Stereotyping is a reality and you can be Buddha himself and you will not be able to see "through" these thoughts in as much as you cannot see through walls. The most you can do is to acknowledge that stereotyping exist and plan your life to not intersect with any event that would place you on either end of the stereotyping. This is rarely possible so to remain realistic you have to accept that you will encounter them and be on either the giving or receiving end of stereotyping.

I know deeply and truthfully that not all nigerians in said neighborhood are drug dealers and yet I still dont find anything wrong in reminding myself of this stereotype while I find myself in that area. I can do this without scowling or acting aggressive to anyone. Does this make me insecure, unbalanced or wrong? When I take the most direct and visible route to my destination without stopping at every streetcorner to hug every possible-drug-dealer, does this make me paranoid or close-minded?
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