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Old 08-02-2003, 08:35 PM   #3
Pretoriano's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido Santa Fe
Location: Aragua Venezuela
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 130

Stereotypes Wynand:

Are some excuses used by laizy people "who doesnt want to Percieve what it IS" But something else that have been stated or previously percieved from a determined angle before.

As well we all used it, make your own conclusions... (kidding but serious).

It is well suposed that at some level of Budo trainning this "fuzzy" way to tag people and ordinal situations must be disapeared.

I use Stereotypes when I Correlacionate a Direct Event (one time reality) with a looong bunch of: teachings, normed, previous experiences, personal analylis, comon beliefs, tails, movies, buddy sayings, video games just name something....

The mision of Stereotypes is to make us feel confortable and "secure" in our world believing we "already know something" about the elements presented at time and space. The wrong is that we start to act and react automatically without making the effort for to employ "discerniment" for to percieve things just as presented without "filtering"

Anyone who can counter this? Whynand?

Why do you talk about blacks that way Winand?

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