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Old 08-02-2003, 02:48 PM   #1
drDalek's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 155
Generalisation as a tool of self defence

Generalisations and stereotypes are often frowned upon by those who consider themselves educated and enlightened. I believe that generalisations and stereotypes can play a valuable role in self defence.

For example, every year hundreds of articles and stories are published where nigerian immigrant drug-dealers kill and assault people within a certain neighborhood. I now know to stay away from that neighborhood and if I do find myself there I know to keep my distance from blacks.

Furthermore I know that ex-convicts usually have jail tattoos in the form of tears under their eyes and numbers on their cheeks, I know to stay away from individuals with similar tattoos.

The fact that I can make these assumptions "danger, danger stay away" about individuals that I have never met do not bother me, I think its perfectly natural and ignoring these generalisations would be very stupid in the "survival instinct" kind of way.

Any counter arguments?
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