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Old 06-18-2003, 08:28 PM   #40
Kyri Honigh
Dojo: Aikido Curacao
Location: Curacao
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 50
Hmmm,as a kid I still don't understand the one guy talking about not even using swords and knives during practise.IMHO the world exists because of violence. in order to live one most overcome opposing forces.The rich will live upon the poor and in the animal world its the same.If you are strong , you will live,if you are weak you die.I do believe that aikido could serve as an impetus for people to reflect upon themselves.They're will always be evil and good people out there, both are different paths leading to different experience.Maybe we will live once in a perfectly harmonious world, but we still got a lot to learn.
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