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Old 06-11-2003, 09:28 AM   #18
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 31
paul watt (paw) wrote:
I didn't express myself well. Let me try again.

It's amazing to me the sheer number (and force) of the kicks, punches, knees and elbows they withstand without being KO'ed (or maybe before they are KO'ed would be more accurate). I'm well aware of the damage they take during the life of their professional career and the impact it has on their health.


The ones that cant take a punch usually dont continue training, so you dont see them. The elite fighters that make it into the videotapes are the best, hardest mofos with rock hard chins and disregard for pain. You can train to ignore pain, but a hard chin is something you are born with. As they say, you cant put muscles on a jaw Some fighters are just born hard, you hit them square with all you got and they recover like nothing happened others, you just punch them once and they hit the floor like a potato sack
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