Thread: Tori Fune
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Old 06-10-2003, 12:10 AM   #9
Bronson's Avatar
Dojo: Seiwa Dojo and Southside Dojo
Location: Battle Creek & Kalamazoo, MI
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1,677
In Seidokan funakogi undo (as we also call it) is an integral part of many of our techniques as a balance breaker. It teaches us to initiate movement with the hips and follow with the hands.

Oh and yes Bruce we do get the occasional push to test our stability while doing this and other exercises.


"A pacifist is not really a pacifist if he is unable to make a choice between violence and non-violence. A true pacifist is able to kill or maim in the blink of an eye, but at the moment of impending destruction of the enemy he chooses non-violence."
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