Thread: Aikido for life
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Old 12-18-2000, 05:45 PM   #4
Dojo: Sand Drift Aikikai, Cocoa Florida
Location: Melbourne, Florida
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 823
recommending aikido

I already sounds like you have choosen aikido. If you feel your phiolosophies are in accordance with aikido, then I say aikido is your best choice. (I'll be partial, here). I believe aikido is an excellent choice for self-defense because it allows for self-defense against stronger attackers. In addition aikido is not overly competitive and encourages cooperation with an opponent.

As far as teaching children, children are taught at my dojo (5-12 years) and it is taught to their level of understanding. But that does not mean that they can't do aikido. In my dojo, the children are given colored belts so they will have a visual acknowledgement of rank. And inaddition the kids class are not promoted to black belt. They are tested in rank to 6th kyu which is where adults begin. By the time the "kids" reach 6th kyu, they are allowed to join in with the adult class (by this time their around 12-14 years old). I have found them to have very strong basics.

I guess my recommendation is to make sure the children's classes are tailored to children and their understanding.

Also, like others suggested dojo shop.

Anne Marie
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