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Old 04-24-2003, 02:40 AM   #1
Dojo: City Aikido
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 178
Subliminal gestures

I found this article online:

The article is about using "subliminal gestures" -- motions that affect your opponent without touching, through redirection, perceptual leads, whatever.

Interesting stuff... I remember glancing at this article a couple years ago, but just read it again tonight and started thinking of the aiki-ness of it all.

I think it's a nice counterpoint to the recurring "atemi/no atemi" threads. This is talking about other ways that we can capture the mind, without striking or even the aikido-ish "strike with intent but not actually striking".

Some part of me wants to categorize this as atemi also, but the nitpicking part of me says no....

Do any of you practice this kind of non-atemi atemi?

Abstractedly thinking of ways to sneak this in during practice,
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