Thread: Wedding ring?
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Old 04-17-2003, 11:08 PM   #38
Andrew Wilson
Dojo: jiyushikan
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 31
I was flipping through a book called "moving to stillness" by Dave Lowery (I believe.) at either rate, the story was entitled "get a new wife".

There once was a guy who was walking in the park and he ran into this guy who was a falconer. He said to the falconer, man I really wanted to learn how to do this, but my wife would never let me spend the time out here that you do. the falconer replied "get a new wife."

Sure he was prolly just kidding, but life is about sacrifices and commitments. Budo isn't something to take lightly, its a serious commitment. If my girlfriend wouldnt let me train, I would consider what sort of life I would lead with her if I was not allowed to make a choice.

This is sort of simular, if you dont want to take your ring off because of some vow... then dont. Just dont plan on training in a school that has rules against the wearing of a ring.

"The wise man, after learning something new, is afraid to learn anything more until he has put his first lesson into practice." - Tzu Lu
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