Thread: One True Thing
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Old 02-19-2003, 11:08 AM   #16
Dennis Hooker
Dojo: Shindai Dojo, Orlando Fl.
Location: Orlando Florida
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 456
I wrote this long ago fomr my grandchildren about an experence in my life. I hope it meete Linden Sensei's goal for this topic.

"Once as a boy on a cold bright winter day I stood in the snow in front of an old store on Paris Avenue. My feet were tingling from the wet cold snow soaking through my black canvas tennis shoes; my nose was running from a cold, my ears were red and aching from the wind and my cheeks were burning from the cold wet winter air. My old brown corduroy coat was missing a few buttons, and yet all was fine with me. I remember being warm inside like there was a fire in my belly, just like one of the pot bellied stoves down at Kester's house. I was standing there in an empty lot beside the building with the brown uncut grass and weeds sticking through the white snow. I was standing there looking at the aged dried gray wood, and the long-ago faded white paint letters declaring a Buggy Works with the sun shining on them. That was the first time I experienced a glimmer of pure truth. If you don't know what I mean by this statement then perhaps you're too much of this world and not enough of the universe and have a bit more living to do yet. My hope is you fully understand what I felt, because that means you have felt it too. Too few are the times in our lives where there is nothing but the moment, and all eternity is caught in that one millisecond of understanding that last forever and encompasses all and contains nothing. I wish I had better words and was better able to communicate this to you, but perhaps you know full well my intent."

Dennis Hooker: (DVD) Zanshin and Ma-ai in Aikido
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