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Old 06-28-2023, 10:06 PM   #22
Walter Martindale
Location: Edmonton, AB
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 802
Re: Aikido After Hip Replacement

Hmm... I had a total hip replacement on 1 March this year. "Direct Anterior Method" (the scar is on the front of my hip/thigh, and only 12 cm long) I'm moving reasonably well. I tried practising aikido last autumn before the operation and the bad hip couldn't make it through an entire practice.

Now the surgical team and physiotherapists say "don't do it" because of the possibility of dislocation and damage to the muscles when a mechanical hip gets cranked.

But, but, but... I MISS aikido.
I'm going to get back at rowing workouts (I'm a professional coach) and swimming - and I think I'll try getting back to the dojo in autumn after rowing winds down... With caveats. (no dai-ukemi, for one, only moderate speed for most practices, for another)
Any recommendations greatly appreciated.
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