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Old 06-07-2023, 01:48 PM   #4
Join Date: Feb 2022
Posts: 5
Re: Kenjutsu koryu and aikido

Thank you so much, you have been very's a bit tricky cause one teacher told me that daito ryu derives clearly from Ono ha itto ryu. So i was wondering "why incorporate something from kashima shinto ryu when you can look at the roots?". Then again,as you said Ueshiba o'sensei studied (indirectly) kashima shinto ryu, yet his pupils keep learning TS katori shinto ryu, kashima shin ryu etc.. it's very confusing to me.

In terms of differences, what can you, f.e. looking at a video, say "oh, this is/Is influenced by kashima or Ono ha or any other style?"
Thanks a lot and excuse me for my poor english!

Also, i read in a presentation of a seminar of his that Yashuhiro Saito now holds a menkyo kaiden (full trasmission licence). Which is Crazy to mee to cause he is located in Japan and surely can access to a Kashima school.

Last edited by maddrifter : 06-07-2023 at 01:50 PM.
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