Thread: Ai-nuke
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Old 07-24-2018, 09:40 AM   #66
Location: Düsseldorf
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 256
Re: Ai-nuke

Peter Kelly wrote: View Post
I have heard many question the old ways of teaching, and many western people don’t get the “you have to steal the technique” philosophy. Truth is, it’s not some antiquated form of transmission, it’s following the philosophy of “the way”, teach the technique and leave the rest up to heaven. Problem is western mindsets make us feel entitled. Eg-I have been training for x amount of years, with such and such a master and he had “it” and I didn’t get it, never asking why just thinking they should be entitled. In the “way”, the universe decides who is worthy rather than who is entitled.
I dont't think, the universe always decided, who got "it".
I heard stories of teachers which decided to teach one or two students the real things, the rest was shown useless stuff, the elected students were told to do the same with their own students later again.
So I don't agree it is only a matter of ego.
Nowaday it is not neccessary to hide the secrets in order to ensure the survival of the ryuha, so if there is an art one can learn, there should be a teaching system, and everyone who wants to learn the art should be able to rely on that system and to be able to do what others who have emerged from that school can do, assumed that he has the ambition and the skills to learn and to progress.
If the teacher has no interest in bringing his students up to the same level at which he himself is, the universe is not able to bring him there.
On the other hand, every teacher and every school has the right to decide whom he wants to teach, but if he accepts to teach somebody, he should be willing to share his knowledge, and not leave it up to the gods or the universe.
Thats not just a western approach, I think in chinese and japanese styles it works in the same way.

Beeing able to watch the teacher and to catch with ones eyes what he shows, is a good way to train awareness, but it is a matter of the teaching method, not of fate.
No one can steal everything by just watching, without explanations it is not possible to learn what should happen inside the body, it is more than just technique.
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