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Old 02-23-2017, 02:23 PM   #73
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 107
Re: A defense of Aiki

Erick Mead wrote: View Post
Both, actually. And FWIW, it was Ikeda's approach and observing his personal performance that sarted me down this road to deconstruct what that entailed ... lo, these many years ago.

On the first point, the type of isometrics he is talking about "sending" into the wall, is using that applied torque against the ground, (as the study describes) just as one would in a strike. But in this mode he is setting up the integrated structure of internal torque to deliver the atemi, but without the dynamic components. If done to a person, and then released dynamically, this results in the proverbial 'no-inch' punch.
"Sending" was the term used by the ASU aikidoka I talked to after the seminar. They of course were also in attendance.

Oh they did mention a partner exercise that was taught by Ikeda years ago - both partners hold a jo and, um, "send" to each other.

Mike and Budd use 6H terminology to describe stuff. 6H theory would say Ikeda created Up/Ground Jin to the object and practiced sending intent beyond the point of contact. I refrained from using that because I am not that familiar with the language of the Internal Power/Harden community, other than "aiki". I guess "torque" is used by IP folks?

I learned to make Up jin by basic pushing - partner pushing on me. I then pushed on partner so he could also learn how to do it. All under the supervision of Mike/Budd. I have noticed a good number of aikidoka can do Up jin as well, especially those in a lineage that can be traced to Tohei-sensei - either via Ki Society or via Aikikai when he was the chief instructor.

Down jin is less intuitive. I believe Harden calls this Earth. Took me a while to get how to use it, even in one of the most obvious possible scenarios: the single-leg takedown. The partner is in takedown position, attempting to lift my leg. All I have to do is put Down jin on him and he can't lift the leg. Part of the problem was I was overthinking it, expecting some kind of physical action to happen inside my body. Nope - it's intent-driven.

Thanks for the links you posted. I'll check them out. I don't think the info would have helped the poor souls who were unable to process Ikeda's stuff in 3 days but I'm not an experienced teacher.

Erick Mead wrote: View Post
As to training methodologies, the traditional aiki taiso are demonstrably valid for working on these mechanisms -- again, IF, and ONLY IF done right.
Yes, this has been explained to me by Budd and Mike. It's hard to do them right on my own, so I rely on other training methods (zhan zhuang, reverse breathing, reverse breathing w/ dantian and muscle tendon connections, silk reeling, etc.) at home - well, to train 6H skills, which may or may not be related to IP, other than the common reference to Up and Down. So far I have found zhan zhuang is more productive when practiced with focus on Up and Down.

Last edited by GovernorSilver : 02-23-2017 at 02:25 PM.
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