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Old 02-23-2017, 11:38 AM   #68
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 107
Re: A defense of Aiki

Erick Mead wrote: View Post
There is it the point of debate, isn't it? What is the nature of the connnection.
I don't really see a debate, but discussions about this type of stuff does tend to be most productive when all involved are using an agreed-upon terminology, and have already worked with each other in person; or have worked with at least one person in common. My introduction to, uh, "internal whatever" was at a Mike Sigman workshop. Years later, I got a nice refresher from Budd Yuhasz. They use enough terminology in common that I can ask them stuff over email/social media and they're likely to understand what I'm talking about. I have not received any instruction from Dan Harden and so am less familiar with his terminology. Ledyard-sensei is the only person I met who is familiar with how Dan does things.

Can you help me out and state to which paragraph your response was directed?
This one?

I have also been told that he has spoken about pushing against a wall or other immovable object and "sending" into it; and that he works a lot on "rotating his insides" (most likely tanden/dantien).
Or this one?

That is how he appears to pull his uke off-balance without visible movement of the hips. His reverse-breath engages the tanden, which in turn exerts a pull through the muscle-tendon channels, and thus... "partner goes". Ok maybe there's more force-vectors at work than just pulling through the muscle-tendon channels. But I found the force vector stuff doesn't work without proper connection within the body.
I don't want to write a long post, only to be informed later I was addressing the wrong issue(s).

Last edited by GovernorSilver : 02-23-2017 at 11:51 AM.
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