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Old 12-30-2016, 06:26 PM   #19
Adam Huss
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Re: Japanese, Aikido word- for leading?

Peter A Goldsbury wrote: View Post
Hello Chris,

The two terms I heard from a Japanese aikido colleague are sasou and suikomu. He said that he had heard O Sensei use these terms with the sense of initiating a preferred attack, in the sense of inducing the attacker to attack in a certain way, and then controlling the attacker from thenceforward.

Sasou is written in Japanese as 誘う; さそう. It is also read as YUU. When combined with other characters, the result is many compounds. For example:
誘因: yuuin: inducement, enticement
誘引: yuuin: entice, attract, allure
誘拐: yuukai: kidnapping, abduction
誘導: yuudou: induction, incitement, guidance
誘導弾: yuudoudan: guided missile
惑誘: yuuwaku: temptation, seduction
誘惑者: yuuwakusha: tempter, seducer

Suikomu is written as 吸い込む and the Chinese character is the second character of the compound word kokyuu 呼吸, meaning, breath. The primary meaning is to inhale, suck in, swallow up, the third meaning leading to a metaphor of putting a person in a position such that he/she has no choice but to do what you want him/her to do.

Best wishes,
Prof Goldberg,

I have hear 'michibiki' used in reference to this (I think by the late Fumio Toyoda). Is this an accurate term as well?

Thank you,
Adam Huss

Ichi Go, Ichi Ei!
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