Thread: Aikido sparing
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Old 11-11-2016, 06:03 AM   #12
Location: Düsseldorf
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 256
Re: Aikido sparing

Ron Ragusa wrote: View Post
The problem with these "comparison" videos is that the Aikido people never end up doing Aikido. They always try to do what the other guy is doing
This is because Aikido people don't know how to fight in their own system. Many people are convinced that Aikido is always victorious, but in a normal fight they don't know what to do.

Aikido usually does not provide a set of fighting strategies or techniques, that could be used effektively in a friendly competition.
In Judo, every technique is a randori technique, and it can be used in a competition. In Aikido, people can perfectly do exercise techniques, but have only a vague idea how this technique could work in a fight, or they know some kind of a very dangerous "streetfighting version". Usually they say it is to dangerous to practice this "deadly" techniques. Between these two poles there is nothing. This gap is mostly filled with the behavour of the person they try to spar with.
In a fight nobody offers kinetic energy or extends his arms, and usually there is no strategy how to come into a position allowing to execute an Aikido technique.
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