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Old 08-21-2016, 07:28 AM   #27
Dojo: Open Sky Aikikai
Location: Durham, NC
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 430
Re: Reconcile the world

Ron Ragusa wrote: View Post
I think Aikido has both an ethical and philosophical tradition. I also think Aikido has a martial tradition and that the ethical, philosophical and martial traditions are not mutually exclusive. Working one's Aikido toward any specific goal is a personal choice that each practitioner continually refines as the years of practice mount up. So why not a martial art of peace?

Thank you.

How is this ethical and philosophical tradition represented in your dojo and your own practice? How does this manifest outside of the dojo, or does it? How is this passed on to students, how is it taught?

No reason that "How" and "Why" need to be mutually exclusive in any practice. But do we actually do this?
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