Thread: Randori
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Old 08-15-2016, 04:48 AM   #28
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 29
Re: Randori

In my experience we haven't practised randori (what I would consider one on one free techniques with kaeshiwaza) at all in Aikikai Aikido. I have dabbled in it with friends, but that's it.
We practice san nin gake jiyuwaza so I am at a loss why it isn't practised at all one on one, then there is an expectation to apply free technique against 3 people simultaneously.
My opinion is that as soon as a specific technique is set, it requires some level of compliancy from uke in order to work. I feel this creates a situation where uke's response to the technique is not honest. ie blocking techniques for the sake of blocking and not continuing to attack nage or have concern for their own self preservation.
I believe all training would benefit from some light randoi (no ego, no competition, just an honest continued response from uke) because the techniques are just a tool to teach principles which are then applied free form in randori.
I discussed randori with my sensei and he commented that it is predicated on the fact that the initial technique was not correctly applied. I agree with this, however one should be trying to apply the technique correctly. If it is correct, then no kaeshiwaza is possible.
What are your thoughts?
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