Thread: Ukemi problems
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Old 11-09-2015, 09:01 PM   #55
Dojo: Open Sky Aikikai
Location: Durham, NC
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 430
Re: Ukemi problems

Janet is right. Some body parts absorb impact better than others, and some alignments. Otherwise why even study falling? Even with a short distance, it is your body weight plus the force from nage and Uke driving at the ground. Bring that on the tip of the shoulder or on a neck or some other honey prominence and injury and pain will probably happen.

In terms of the crash mat, I did think for Koshinage practice that it was important to throw more often (not throwing is training to balance Uke, not get kuzushi.). I tried using the dojo crash mat - and I was unstable throwing someone. I lost my balance and landed on people, or people landed on me, and getting my knees out of the way was harder because I couldn't shift my weight. So, I tried throwing right beside the crash pad, but several times the Uke was landing with their hip on the crash mat, and their shoulder on the regular mat. I found it very ackward to fall on an uneven surface and stopped even trying this.

Best thing for good Ukemi - get thrown well. So, I started to focus on me as a Nage rather than me as an Uke.
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