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Old 11-22-2002, 06:40 AM   #1
Genex's Avatar
Dojo: Warrington Seishin Kai
Location: Warrington, England
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 155
Talking I get by with a little help from aikiweb

Okay little help here peeps. last night we were doing suwari waza (kneeling techniques) anyhoo it was ryote dori (two handed grab) and the idea was to do one of three things while uke gave it as much strength as poss.
1.)drop your elbow down on one side and project your arm upwards whilse moving your other arm behind you, thus throwing uke off to one side.
2.)move your palm facing upward fingers pointing to one side and push down whilst cutting upwards with your other hand under their forearm.
3.)moving your hands outward and over in a circular motion then do a push to the chest or kokyo nage.

hope your following my japanese is all erm...pig latin... anyhoo my problems are as follows.
technique 1, i just get stuck, i drop the elbow and start to extend but i get stuck there and cant shake it, and i am relaxing btw i'm just not sure whats going wrong.
technique 2, not too many probs with that one i managed to throw my uke 4 feet without doing too much.
technique 3, again i'm moving my hands and following sensei's advice staying loose yet keeping my elbows in, i have serious probs with this one.

so there we are i'm a fruit, gimme help! gimme, gimme, gimme!


p.s. today is my Birthday my buh, buh, buh birthday chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!

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