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Old 08-07-2015, 09:56 PM   #19
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 243
Re: Choosing the right Aikido Dojo.

Mary Malmros wrote: View Post
Maybe by trying to express yourself with more clarity, and with reference to specifics?

I wasn't rude and I didn't insult you. I asked you to communicate more clearly; you responded with more generalizations instead of fewer.

Right...and water is wet. Is this news?

I don't see anyone in this discussion or elsewhere suggesting that beginners should make their choices based on credentials in a system whose merits they do not know. To some degree, you are tilting at windmills and fighting an enemy that does not exist. At the same time, if my prior comments about beginner agendas don't apply to you, well, they sure do apply to some beginners -- and when a beginner has such an agenda, what do you propose to do about it? Will you personally reform all ranks in all aikido organizations such that they "reflect their actual skill"? You know that you can't do that. So what is your proposed solution to achieve this perfect state of affairs? You know that there is no such solution. It's always going to be caveat emptor: beginners, with no knowledge of aikido, will simply have to apply their own common sense and calibrate their own bullshit meters. If you think that aikido is somehow unique in this, you are simply wrong. Humans have been making foolish decisions throughout all of human history -- there's a sucker born every minute.
You did insult me and that was clear! You made personal statements against me, made assumptions about my approach to aikido that have nothing to do with me simply because you disagree with my opinion on this whole matter. It's healthy to disagree, I have no problem with that but it's obvious that it wasn't me who wasn't clear, it was you who didn't pay any attention to my posts. It wasn't me fighting non existing enemies but you, with your talking about beginner's agendas, people who are blaming other people or the art because what they had in mind wasn't what they found e.t.c, while my posts and my aikido experience had nothing to do with any such things.
And after all that, you use your little...sense of an irony saying "water is wet, is this news?"
Well, unfortunately it is news for some people since, not only I have to state the bleeding obvious but also also I have to defend the bleeding obvious because you disagree and fight against the bleeding obvious!!
There was an article with an opinion about the criteria for choosing the right dojo.
I happened to disagree with thse specific criteria.
I stated my reasons for my disagreement.
I can't be clearer than that, open your eyes when you read what I have written and also open your mind. Agree or disagree but use your sense when you do that and not your fantasy to make a model of me in order to validate your personal attack against me. It will make any discussion much more useful in the future...
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