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Old 07-19-2015, 06:46 AM   #19
Dojo: Open Sky Aikikai
Location: Durham, NC
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 430
Re: A question about Shihonage!

Same as in English, the world "News" is from North East West South, the four corners of the globe but really means information and stories gathered from everywhere instead of exactly North Pole, exactly South Pole.

I do have a drill I like to play with. Put either four or eight sticky notes in a big circle, and stand in the middle of the circle. Throw your Uke, all attacking with the same arm, with you keeping the same foot forward, to different points on your circle. Return to the center each time, the goal is to train being able to throw Uke where you want them to land. Shihonage Ura throws Uke the direction they attacked from, Omote throws them in the same direction they were traveling (Kihon basics - the bigger the opening movement, the more of an angle). 90 degrees is a breakfall. There are several basic forms of Shihonage that some teachers identified, and they all have their trajectories. As Shihonage can be damaging, I tend to start someone new to this drill with Iriminage or Tenchinage instead.
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