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Old 06-21-2015, 08:04 PM   #6
Cliff Judge
Location: Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,276
Re: Regarding Bokuto

Dave de Vos wrote: View Post
A few years back we practised a bit with a short sword. It was a dual wielding practise with a short sword (wakizashi) in the left hand and a normal sword in the right.
There are some sword arts (kenjutsu) that practise this (this for example), but I think it is uncommon in aikido.
In the 5 years that I've been training, there were only two lessons where we used the short sword. And then still we used in in combination with a normal length sword.
I did buy a matching set of a short and long sword, just because I liked it.

That E-Bogu lists them under their aikido section does not mean it is used a lot in aikido. I also see they list shinai under aikido. But that is a weapon used in kendo and it's not commonly used in aikido.
I think E-Bogu is just not very accurate in the categorization of their products,
Fukuro shinai? Those are not used in kendo, and are very appropriate for empty hand vs sword practice.

In the ASU we practice two sword forms, but the shoto is pretty long.
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