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Old 02-04-2015, 09:15 AM   #14
Dojo: North Winnipeg Aikikai
Location: Winnipeg, Canada
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 265
Re: Is aikido a budo?

Well, I believe that there is a legitimate, scholarly body of work to demonstrate the concept of budo.
Can you summarize what that body of scholarly writing indicates is budo? I have my own ideas about what budo is, but they would not, I think, be exactly "scholarly." I would be content to defer to a well-researched and well-reasoned definition of the term "budo." I suspect that if you can't offer such a definition, this thread may end up, as many do on Aikiweb, with endless quibbling over terms. Mind you, you're likely to get people who will question and argue about it regardless.

Many do seem to maintain that they can re-define it to suit them, which of course, means that discussion is fruitless.
Yes. Essentially, you're asking for at least a partial definition of what Aikido is, which people on Aikiweb, perhaps overly-influenced by the all-pervading postmodernism of western culture, are loathe to do.

I don't think that Aikido, as it is practiced generally, can rightly be described as budo.



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