Thread: 19 years....
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Old 01-18-2015, 03:11 PM   #34
Janet Rosen
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Re: 19 years....

Peter A Goldsbury wrote: View Post
Hello Janet,

Here in Hiroshima, I was always taught to do kotegaeshi as a control, rather than as a projection. The chief instructor likened the movement to rolling a carpet (which means that it should be done around knee level).

I looked at the videos and noticed that you did not finish 1-kyou with a pin. Have you been taught an old-style 1-kyou, with both of uke's arms pinned? This removes the need for seiza. I did this once at a demonstration in front of the present Doshu and he came to me afterwards and asked about my knees. I told him I was learning to compensate for them. You can also see a similar movement as a henka waza for kaiten nage.

Best wishes,
Hello, Peter!
I have NOT seen the double pin from standing...if you (or anybody) has picture or video would love to see it!
My norm, if asked to demo a pin from ikkyo, is to do a standing sankyo pin. As I also have thumb arthritis there is a very limited time factor in an evening to how often I can manage any grip at all (I am not discussing vise grips but the normal grip a person needs to hold a wine glass) so I didn't want to demo more pins than they were asking for (two days before testing I was asked if I could at least demo the cradle lock for nikkyo once as nobody in this dojo had ever seen me do one :-) I said, yep, once, on the side I can go down on)

Janet Rosen
"peace will enter when hate is gone"--percy mayfield
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