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Old 11-17-2002, 09:03 AM   #38
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Dojo: University of Ulster, Coleriane
Location: Northern Ireland
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 1,654
Lynn Seiser (SeiserL) wrote:
IMHO, all training methods are in some sense artificial and simulations. The only way to know is to really get into a fight.
The problem with martial arts training - whatever it is - is it is not real self defence. In Judo, punches and kicks (and certain throws and attacks to the face)are not allowed; in karate/taekwondo (competition) padding is worn (making strikes to pressure points ineffective). Even in these 'ultimate' fighting scenarios you are not allowed to have several people attacking at once, rear attacks (unless you run around!) or throat grabs.

Aikido takes a different format - anything is allowed. However, to ensure we actually learn something and don't always get injured, we train in a repetitive and cooperative way. Consider your partner as a moving training dummy. If you want to try techniques with resistence, try them - but make sure the your partner is aware of this (and capable of dealing with this, so that one of you can give in before anything breaks).

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