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Old 12-02-2014, 10:31 PM   #33
Dan Richards
Dojo: Latham Eclectic
Location: NY
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 452
Re: Why Locks Don't Work (video)

Erick Mead wrote: View Post
I'll quibble a bit.

1. Kotegaeshi is neither a lock -- nor a throw
2. Kotegaeshi is a CONTROL, whose purpose is to maintain a certain connection
3. What throws --- THROUGH that connection -- is EITHER tai-sabaki OR Aiki
4. Tai sabaki makes a throw by carrying uke's body dynamically OUTSIDE his zone of support, causing his support structure to alter irrevocably
5. Aiki makes a throw by irrevocably altering the internal support structure of uke's body while still WITHIN his (presumed) zone of support, causing his zone of support to contract and disappear
What Eric said. And I specifically worked with, demonstrated, and verbally said numbers 1 and 2 in the video. I eluded to parts of 3 and 4 a bit. I'll get more into 4 and 5 later.

Anyone who's interested in the connection and relationship between getting from 1-5 and back again should study - not just read through Hakaru Mori's Aiki of Tenouchi / The Golden Key. I think it's one of the most important writings available to anyone who's really serious about the aiki and jujutsu love hate relationship with each other, and how to approach finding a way to allow them to ultimately emulsify.

Aiki and jujutsu are literally like oil and water. And they don't like each other. The trick is in the process of emulsion.
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