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Old 09-11-2014, 09:40 AM   #90
Dojo: Currently relocating
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 30
Re: Refining my view of aiki

Cliff Judge wrote: View Post
I have no problems with the material itself, its the trainwreck of mythology that has sprouted up to link it to Aikido and the personalities of certain people at the front of the movement that have pretty much turned me off of it. I have other interests to focus on if I end up having to deal with too much of this BS in person.
That sounds exactly like my *Aikido* experiences! Thank you.

It doesn't sound anything like training internal and aiki with Dan.
This training has been a breath of fresh air to many, many people. I could never fully convey what I have seen happen with it in so many rooms with highly ranked people, with things that actually make sense!
I also enjoy now reading other sources revealing a pedagogy throughout the arts that is supportable. I have found it fascinating to now understand what Ueshiba Sensei, Saotome Sensei, and my Daito ryu and Koryu teachers were actually talking about and see that I can now do some of it and have a real path to improve for the first time, instead of just hoping by repeating techniques for decades only to end up feeling or looking like the people that Dan moves all around the room without much thought to it.
In fact, no matter what the arguments are here, or what you might want to call it, I have seen enough to know I would rather be doing that compared to anything else I have seen. This material is the stuff that was missing. The only material I have encountered that makes sense out of what to me was at best a rather hopeful, lukewarm, jujutsu that had little meaning outside of a dojo.

Last edited by Zoe : 09-11-2014 at 09:52 AM.
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