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Old 09-11-2014, 08:13 AM   #89
Cliff Judge
Location: Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,276
Re: Refining my view of aiki

Jon Reading wrote: View Post
To be clear, its not the fist of irresistible force that's the problem. It's the broken glass stuck to my knuckles with resin that's the problem... I know you are just funnin' with my comments, but I would clarify that my concern with connecting centers is not fear-based. It is a fact that a lesser center connected to a greater center will be overcome. Rather, it's actually courageous to grab someone who can trash you, trust they will not, and then participate in what comes next. Anyone who has worked with an uke who is personally timid can appreciate the courage that person needs to muster every time he grabs nage. What about when he gives not just his arm, but his center?

Aiki is not a threat to aikido. Granted, I could hear some PR-based arguments that to may indicate otherwise, but it's not. As far as I know, the IP people do not intend to issue an order 66 on non-IP people practicing aikido. It sounds like you have a philosophical investment that you have projected onto aikido. I think a have previously mentioned that when we project philosophical and religious beliefs onto aikido the art cannot be challenged without also challenging that beliefs tied to it. That doesn't sound very free or open, especially if you are training with many people who may not share those beliefs tied to your aikido.

There are different paths to aiki. There are better an worse paths. I know a lot of good aikido people who have aiki and have gotten there from different avenues. Personally, I think they are closer in their paths than they want to admit, but there's something about tigers and space to roam... Some paths can be more direct, some paths will never reach the top. I like these threads because they force us to address uncomfortable truths. When I see someone struggle simply defining aiki, guess what are the chances I am going listen when she starts talking about how to do aikido? Even if she's wrong, she dropped an anchor and committed to something and I will listen, even if I don't partake.

But, at some point in time, the have-nots will touch the haves and they will need to resolve what will be a discrepancy in skill. And the haves will be peers without skirts of occlusion to hide behind. No more, "well, he's a 5th dan and I'm not." Or, "he trained in Japan with Sensei fancy pants." Or, "we don't do fighting." Or, "We don't do traditional aikido." I empathize for those who are rigidly tied to what they do because it will be uncomfortable. It was for me. But I also understand that not everyone wants to do this stuff.
I have no problems with the material itself, its the trainwreck of mythology that has sprouted up to link it to Aikido and the personalities of certain people at the front of the movement that have pretty much turned me off of it. I have other interests to focus on if I end up having to deal with too much of this BS in person.
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