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Old 09-04-2014, 04:15 PM   #357
Rupert Atkinson
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Re: Demonstrating aiki, demontrating aikido.Same thing ?

Katherine Derbyshire wrote: View Post
I think you're hitting a straw man, here. All of the "aiki in me" teaching methods that I have seen absolutely include partner feedback. They attempt to isolate "aiki" effects from aikido waza -- the idea being to limit the number of variables that the student has to deal with -- and solo exercises are certainly important, but partner practice is seen as a critical part of the process.

I have no idea what you have done but what you say sounds good to me. My point was that anything we learn about aiki comes from what you can pick up training with a partner. Only then can we start to figure it out training by ourselves, which one absolutely must do. I was critiquing the notion of 'aiki in me' - being first. I had never heard of 'aiki in me' before, by the way. I just say - search for a principle, it will appear at random unless directly taught, and then remember and train it. There are many little 'ideas' we can call principles. Collect them and train them. Because of the amount of partner practice already done in Aikido, I place more emphasis on the solo aspect - in myself. I find it almost impossible to convince others though - they just want to practice with a partner. It is their learning paradigm.

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