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Old 09-04-2014, 10:53 AM   #347
Cliff Judge
Location: Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,276
Re: Demonstrating aiki, demontrating aikido.Same thing ?

Joshua Landin wrote: View Post
Well, there are plenty of accounts of him coming back to Hombu dojo after the war, seeing the practice there, and getting pissed off. And then he would stop the class and a long lecture would ensue. That certainly sounds like someone who wanted to teach.
Right. If I may respectfully submit, the tactic of scolding your students, especially telling them they are not actually doing the martial art they are on the mat to study, is a fairly common tool - not sure if it counts as pedagogical - used by budo instructors. All of my teachers but Ikeda Sensei do it.

So he wanted to teach - the next question is, why do we assume Ueshiba did not want Aikido to be just as it is, at, say, Hombu?

And furthermore, what is the basis for believing Aikido is a different art than what Ueshiba was doing and/or trying to teach?
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