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Old 09-04-2014, 10:09 AM   #346
Location: Ohio
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 82
Re: Demonstrating aiki, demontrating aikido.Same thing ?

Cliff Judge wrote: View Post
I've got issues with this line of thought.

What is it that you think Ueshiba was doing before his son and senior students decided to throw it all out the window and create Aikido?

You think he was a brilliant teacher with a well-articulated system he was trying to pass on, but his son and senior students ignored him, or did not do things he asked of them, and instead slapped together a useless dancey art form with no special powers and passed that off as something it wasn't?

If Ueshiba had a thing he wanted to teach, he would have taught it. And he would have made sure it was learned. Either he had no idea how to teach, or he didn't really have anything coherent to teach.

Or - maybe - Aikido is actually the art he meant to transmit.
Well, there are plenty of accounts of him coming back to Hombu dojo after the war, seeing the practice there, and getting pissed off. And then he would stop the class and a long lecture would ensue. That certainly sounds like someone who wanted to teach.
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