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Old 08-25-2014, 04:30 PM   #237
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Re: Demonstrating aiki, demontrating aikido.Same thing ?

Christopher Li wrote: View Post
I can't understand advanced mathematics in five or ten minutes with Wikipedia either, but that doesn't mean that it isn't worthwhile. The claim was that there is a "deafening silence", which is just false. Very clear explanations have been posted on a number of occasions - if they require a little work on the part of the reader, well, that's inherent in the difficulty of the material.

As numerous people have stated right here on Aikiweb - Dan is and has been demonstrating that the model works in practice. From Erick and most others I see a lot of fancy ideas - but where are the testimonials saying that there is any meat behind the theories?


Any demonstration without a clear and concise explanation is bordering on useless.
Most people would prefer an explanation that does not require learning phrases or terms in languages and cultures not their own. They simply do not have the time to invest. If it could be explained in terms and phrases already know or readily learned, that would be more useful in learning what is being demonstrated.

I would prefer an explanation I understand than a demonstration with no coherent explanation.
So how about a video accompanied by a understandable explanation?

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