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Old 08-25-2014, 11:29 AM   #230
Gerardo Torres
Location: SF Bay Area
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 197
Re: Demonstrating aiki, demontrating aikido.Same thing ?

Being an engineer I am not one to shy away from a purely technical/scientific discussion. I wonder though if Aikiweb is the right platform for it. If somebody is utterly convinced that he can explain in purely scientific terms what IP proponents are doing (or some other complex biomechanical skill), then he should get serious and publish a paper in a proper engineering or scientific journal so it's put through the necessary peer review.

I like to think Aikiweb is mainly composed of a Martial Arts audience interested in MA-related discussion. Unlike purely scientific discussions, MA theories should be accompanied by at least a tenuous relation to practical skill/understanding (via direct proof, accounts, history, etc.), and show its value as a transmission model (show that said theory can be used to teach others, otherwise what is the point - for budo).
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