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Old 08-08-2014, 06:35 AM   #173
Mary Eastland
Mary Eastland's Avatar
Dojo: Berkshire Hills Aikido
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 1,476
Re: Demonstrating aiki, demontrating aikido.Same thing ?

Scott Burke wrote: View Post
Wow, you're really smart. I mean I think I'm pretty smart too, but this is like people listening to NPR during dinner and using the good china smart, so my brow is furrowing a little in the effort to keep up.

(You gotta read this next part in a Buggs Bunny voice) Tell you what Brainiac, if we ever cross paths I'd be willing to clamp down on your wrists and let you test your theories on me. Surely with all the thought you've put into this and the confidence of your conclusions you've figured out how to actually do something with it, right?

Maybe you can put on a seminar and teach this, something like From the Blackboard to the Mat. I'd pay good money for that, because brother I wanna know what's going on here. What do you say fellas? *SEMINAR SEMINAR SEMINA!!!R* Ya gotta put your money where your mouth is Doc. *munch munch munch* Because confidentially, until you can, your words just make my eyes swim.
Don't we all already now how to do that? Maybe there is another way....
And what will that prove?..that someone is stronger than another...that one way is better than another?

Aikido is finding commonality... not fighting. But here that circle goes again...

Mary Eastland

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