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Old 07-31-2014, 10:19 AM   #121
Carsten Möllering
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Dojo: Hildesheimer Aikido Verein
Location: Hildesheim
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 932
Re: Demonstrating aiki, demontrating aikido.Same thing ?

Dear Oisin and Gavin,

as someone who does not practice Daitô ryû some of your comments raised some questions.
And as someone who understands Daitô ryû and Aikidô to be members of the same family I would appreciate very much, if you could help me, to get things clearer.

1. When you say that there are no throws in Daitô ryû, how does this relate to what Takeda Tokimune sensei states in an Interview: " ... in Daito-ryu do you learn to throw your enemy in five directions ... In gohonage, you throw your enemy in five directions--front, back, right and left and center--that is, ... There are also five-directional throws associated with ikkajo, nikajo, and sankajo. ..." (I did abridge this quote! Everybody please read the whole text of Takeda sensei, to get the context.)

2. When you state that there are no names for techniques in Daitô ryû, how does this relate to the book of Kondo Katsuyuki sensei, giving a clear name for every depicted technique?

I don't mean to start an argument about that!
It's just: I own that book. I read that Interview. And I would like to comprehend, i.e. to bring together what seems to be a contradiction.

Oisin Bourke wrote: View Post
Thanks for your post, Carsten. On this point, Would you say what you are doing is essentially the same?
As far as aiki is concerned: Yes, I think so. (To give an answer as short as possible ... )
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