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Old 05-10-2014, 02:44 PM   #61
James Sawers
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Dojo: Oak Park Aikikai, IL
Location: Chicago, IL
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 157
Re: Why bother keeping Aikido 'pure'?

Per the above discussion, I came across this quote of Saito Sensei recently in an article by Chris Li. Based on my understanding of this, it appears that O'Sensei thought that Aikido was still evolving and even that, based on the situation, new techniques can appear spontaneously. So, "pure evolution"??

“In Iwama, O-Sensei explored Aikido by worshipping the Budo Guardian Spirits and praying every morning and evening. And so Takemusu Aikido was created. He said the former aikido was not the “true” aikido. It may not be incorrect aikido, but this is what O-Sensei said. In Takemusu Aikido, bit by bit, new techniques appear spontaneously. This never stops, it is infinite like a spring. This is Takemusu.”
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