Thread: 6 Directions
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Old 10-24-2013, 08:31 AM   #204
Demetrio Cereijo
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,248
Re: 6 Directions

Cady Goldfield wrote: View Post
Who came up with the concept of a "21st-century Bentley" pr is comparing IP/aiki to a Model-T Ford? :P
I'm not comparing IP/Aiki to a Model-T. Aikido with IP/Aiki is a mint condition fully restored with original pieces Model-T. The real and functional Model.T

Aikido without IP/Aiki is a moving teapot in the verge of self destruction, an accident waiting to happen if the rubber meets the road. The aikidoka lacking IP/Aiki who are looking for restoring his Aikido are totally conscious and fully aware about this fact: for years they have been buying, driving and selling others a defective vehicle.

As for "top level," I think we could compare internal skills to playing a musical instrument. People have been playing violins for hundreds of years. Is the violin and outdated, outmoded instrument, and playing it an old-fashioned skill? I mean, we have digital technologies now, man! Why mess with a piece of wood and gut strings that break so easily, when you can make great music electronically?How many levels of playing skill do you suppose there are? What are considered to be "top level" skills? How many virtuosos are there?
The problem is Aikido is not a violin, Koryu bujutsu is a violin. Aikido is a Rickenbacker 'frying pan'. So lets not compare apples and oranges, compare violins with violins or guitars with guitars or cars with cars.

Why is there a bar set so high for IP/aiki, with the expectation that many people will develop virtuoso skills?
Maybe because IP/Aiki proponents are the ones who claim superhuman levels of awesomeness and atractiveness. The bar has been set by them.
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