Thread: 6 Directions
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Old 10-24-2013, 07:21 AM   #203
Cady Goldfield
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,035
Re: 6 Directions

Who came up with the concept of a "21st-century Bentley" pr is comparing IP/aiki to a Model-T Ford? :P These things may have been discovered and developed long ago, but they are not "old fashioned" or outdated notions. As far as I know, the human body still has the same capabilities and limitations as it did a thousand years ago, and there is nothing truly in what we can do with it (excepting for the messing around with the human genome and DNA from other species).

As for "top level," I think we could compare internal skills to playing a musical instrument. People have been playing violins for hundreds of years. Is the violin and outdated, outmoded instrument, and playing it an old-fashioned skill? I mean, we have digital technologies now, man! Why mess with a piece of wood and gut strings that break so easily, when you can make great music electronically?How many levels of playing skill do you suppose there are? What are considered to be "top level" skills? How many virtuosos are there?

Why is there a bar set so high for IP/aiki, with the expectation that many people will develop virtuoso skills?
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