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Old 08-12-2013, 12:23 PM   #10
Russ Q
Dojo: Shohei Juku Aikido Gibsons
Location: Gibsons BC
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 192
Re: What should I show for an expo

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update. We had the expo yesterday and I have to say, all things considered, it was a great success. We're a relatively small regional area outside of Vancouver. Our total population is 25,000 people and we had a turn out of about 25 martial artists. I focused on irimi for the aikido portion. The form took shape with a two handed throat grab resulting in irimi tenkan and ending with kotegaeshi and another with sumiotoshi. The Hapkido/Jiujistu instructor gave us a the breakdown of a haymaker to clinch to hip throw to arm bar (tons of fun btw!). The Shito Ryu karate instructor focused on the difference between application and sparring/point fighting. The four senior students with this group also show an advanced kata. The systema instructor focused on breath and sensitivity (pretty amazing progress for a one hour class). We were doing group work with our eyes closed too! All in all a great day of learning and exchange with all participants leaving their egos at the door and being open minded to what was presented. We also raised $450 for our local food bank! We will do this again next year
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