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Old 07-10-2013, 04:55 PM   #48
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
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Re: Religion....No Competition.

Benjamin Edelen wrote: View Post
This thread is evolving into a very strange thought experiment.

Graham, who is not shinto, is implying that shinto is better than other religions because shinto doesn't try to figure out which religion is better, while Ewen disagrees but is trying to talk around the fact that he thinks Christianity is better than other religions, despite (or perhaps because of) the readily available proof to the contrary.

I am interested to see where this goes.
Mmmm, better than? I am saying that a scholarly distinction was made which note the two differences of inclusive and exclusive monotheism. Both no doubt contain many religions.

Thus I make two points.

!) That the exclusive one and it's given meaning if adhered to is detrimental, divisive, competitive and egocentric.

2) That in essence none should be under that label anyway.

Saying one is superior to another or indeed all others is wholly detrimental in my opinion and indeed unreligious.

That would be basic step one which I doubt humanity could even handle. Then step two would be noticing that as religion in essence is inclusive that the only outness is not religion but man dressed up as religious.

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