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Old 07-10-2013, 03:57 AM   #32
Bernd Lehnen
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 206
Re: Religion....No Competition.

Christopher Li wrote: View Post
Hmm, doesn't seem any odder than Christian snake handling as a religious practice - or the huge market for fragments of the "true cross" or the bones of saints that used to be common in Christianity. In the Middle Ages there were even a number of churches who claimed to be in possession of Christ's foreskin - and that it had magical powers.

For war in Christianity you just have to look to the crusades - or the longest war in history, the Thirty Years War, which all started with Protestant/Catholic squabbling.

As far as that goes, Buddhism in Japan has a long history of armed military conflicts.

Shinto was never really organized enough to get into conflicts on that scale - but played a major role in the ultra-nationalist movement of pre-war Japan.

Omoto-kyo itself dabbled quite a bit with the far right wing before the war - and of course, Deguchi's plan to invade Mongolia really wasn't all that peaceful either, if you happened to be Mongolian.


We are what we are.

Anyway, as soon as human beings on grounds of their belief- system feel that they have a mission ( a form of competition) or in consequence those on the receiving end feel that intolerance has become intolerable, both sides may tend to make a public appeal to so called "Sanctity" and/or "Righteous indignation" with sometimes long lasting competitive consequences, including war.


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