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Old 06-11-2013, 03:59 PM   #2
Carl Thompson
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Location: Kasama
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 507
Re: Four Generations of the Ueshiba Family

Hi Chris,

Ifve already discussed rank and organisation with you a few times on this forum. I think you skew things way too much to make a point.

Christopher Li wrote: View Post
The Aikikai, however, is a horse of a different color. Sometimes it can be unclear, but (for the Aikikai) there is only one person in the entire world who can issue Dan (black belt) promotions - the current Doshu (now Moriteru Ueshiba). Everybody else, whether they be a local fourth-dan instructor or a world famous ninth-dan student of Morihei Ueshiba only issues a "recommendation" for promotion.
Doshu is the figurehead of aikido within the Aikikai and representative of its founder. You know that no one is saying he can inspect every person recommended for accreditation. In fact, I am not aware of Doshu ever overseeing an examination to recognise anyonefs skills in the art. I don't think that is Doshufs job. Aikido is the centre. Doshu represents aikido and its founder. Proper form, proper etiquette (Japanese reigi) are all recurring impressions left in the founderfs students. You know that the local fourth –dans and world famous 9th dan run the tests and make the call on recognising transmission. To do otherwise breaks lineages and potentially valuable views of the art leading back to the founder.
Christopher Li wrote: View Post
What would I change? I think that is something that would have to be led (but not dictated) by the Aikikai, and endorsed popularly by the membership.
For a second, I thought you were going to suggest solutions to the things you think are problems...rather than just effectively saying glook, a problem... and here... another problem.h However:

Christopher Li wrote: View Post
As points for consideration, there are a number of models for successful professional membership organizations that unite people of common goals and interests into a structure that provides real benefits to their members.
What models? You say ga numberh but what organisations? How do they provide real benefits?

Christopher Li wrote: View Post
There are also a number of models for successful peer review and accreditation organizations that maintain standards of quality and curriculum among educational organizations in a fair and impartial manner - again, providing a real benefit to the members of that organization - and perhaps, providing an object lesson in how to provide meaning for a real licensing system.
Again, what models of peer review? What do these models do to provide meaning for a grealh licensing system?


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