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Old 03-25-2013, 03:48 PM   #6
Dan Richards
Dojo: Latham Eclectic
Location: NY
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 452
Re: Kokyu - Ueshiba vs. Sagawa

Chris, there are enough reputable sources that cite Ueshiba and possibly even Onisaburo as having a hand in the term Aiki.

If you've got something else, please enlighten us. History's a funny thing. And there are countless stories of artists of all types who meet up, swirl things around a bit, learn from each other, and then each go on their own way. Each of them taking with them whatever works. And part of what works are the stories that are created around them.

The fact that Big Earl and Curly Joe were both around during a time when a new expression of an art form was being birthed; and whether Earl or Joe came up with the term - let's pick one - "the Louisiana slide" - really, in the end, is not that important. What is important is less about who did what - because all these guys have their own stories that appear to favor their own side - and more about what we have available to use today, and what we decide we want to employ.

Whether Tesla or Edison came up with various technologies is much less relevant than the fact that those technologies exist and can be utilized and further developed. And if you think people go back and forth with the developments of AC and DC electricity, and who did what - just look into the history of something like barbecue sauce - a veritable clusterfuck of claims and stories and people and methods.

I added some life into this thread. I think my observations - which are also based on my own direct experiences - are valid. You zoomed in and popped a tire and ran off. How about breathing some life into it. If you've got more info on Aiki, I, for one, would be up for hearing it.
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